Racionais discografias
Racionais discografias

The presentations continued and increasing impact of Racionais MC's beginning to extrapolate the boundaries of São Paulo. The group was charged with inciting violence. A 1994 show at the Vale do Anhangabaú in support of the album ended in a riot when police raided the show and arrested the group. Mano Brown won the Prêmio Sharp award for "O Homem na Estrada" ("The Man on the Road"), one of the album's other notable tracks. The album includes several standout tracks including "Fim de Semana no Parque" ("Weekend in the Park"), a lyrical sketch of lowlifes in São Paulo "Mano na Porta do Bar" ("Man at the Bar Door"), a skillful remix of Curtis Mayfield's " Freddie's Dead" and the unexpected harmonica and piano jam "Fio da Navalha" ("Razor Edge"). The year also saw the release of their first full-length LP Raio X Brasil (X-Ray Brazil). Their philanthropic activities continued as they played several benefit shows for health clinics, youth sports programs, and samba schools. They participated in the National Theatre's Música Negra em Ação (Black Music in Action) project alongside Thaíde e DJ Hum, another prominent São Paulo Hip Hop act. In 1993 the group saw their notoriety continue to increase. Following its release the group headlined the Rap no Vale show at Vale do Anhangabaú in São Paulo. That year the group released their second album, Escolha o Seu Caminho (Choose Your Path), with the notable tracks "Voz Ativa" ("Active Voice") and "Negro Limitado" ("Limited Black Man"). These forums had the dual effect of expanding awareness of Racionas MC's agenda along with their fan base, as residents the favelas in cities across Brazil could relate to the Paulista rap group's experience. The program included lectures and discussions in schools on a variety of issues affecting favela inhabitants, including drugs, police violence, poverty, and racism.

racionais discografias racionais discografias

Racionais MC's gained national attention with their participation in the Ministry of Education's RAPensando a Educação (a word play, roughly translated as "Rap-Thinking Education") program in 1992. The group played several shows around the city and state of São Paulo over the next two years, including two shows at the FEBEM ( Fundação Estadual do Bem-Estar do Menor) juvenile detention center and a special show with Public Enemy at the Ginásio do Ibirapuera. The EP included the two songs from Consciência Black along with three new tracks dealing with themes of loose women and institutionalized racism. The group released their first album, Holocausto Urbano (Urban Holocaust) in 1990. Their songs Pânico na Zona Sul ("Panic on the Southside") and Tempos Difíceis ("Hard Times") offer a snapshot of favela life with lyrics vividly depicting rampant police brutality, racism, poverty, and crime. Racionais MC's first appeared on the Zimbabwe Records label compilation Consciência Black (Black Conscience) in 1988.

Racionais discografias